On Fri, 2012-05-18 at 12:33 -0700, mathog wrote:
Sort question: I need to find out how to kick configure/autoconf/automake so that it will include another library equivalent to libavoid.
What's important to realize here is that we *really* don't want to include libraries in the Inkscape codebase. It's a bad habit that we really need to kick :-) The libraries that are in the Inkscape codebase today are ones that were developed by Inkscape developers along side, or ones that we had to patch significantly.
So what you should be doing is installing libemf in the system and then using the system version of libemf. I'm not familiar with libemf, but typically libraries install a package config file in /usr/lib/pkgconfig that is something like "emf-1.0.pc". You can then add the name to the list of packages we check for, similar to little CMS:
And that'll add all the flags and appropriate libs in.