I'd like to propose two things regarding the Inkscape web site. Volunteers are welcome:
1 Create an RSS feed for the main page news.
2 Create a new header graphic to replace the boring white "Inkscape" on blue. As a graphic app, we are starting to deserve something more sophisticated. The web site itself is OK, I don't think we need to drastically change the entire design (although suggestions are welcome), but the top panel is decidedly dull and pathetic. Show off your graphic talent! Send your submissions to the devel list for people to discuss. The best one (if the winner is not obvious, we may need to do a voting) will make it to the site. One technical note: the banner cannot be fixed width, because our site is not fixed width - so it must be either one piece for the top left corner or two pieces for two corners, with some flat color fill between them. The minimum screen resolution is 800x600.