6 Jun
6 Jun
3:57 p.m.
On Tue, 2014-06-03 at 17:41 +0100, Nicolas Dufour wrote:
No problem on Crunchbang Waldorf, Inkscape trunk revision 13405.
Le Mardi 3 juin 2014 18h15, Josh Andler <scislac@...400...> a écrit :
Using trunk r13405 and trying to print to a file (pdf) on Ubuntu 14.04 succeeds.
OK, so my printing bug might just be me... guess that's not a good Bug of the Week.
I seem to have wasted most of the time for my bug of the week in trying to select a bug. For the remaining of this week, I propose bug #1327267:
"Dragging handles results in calls to sp_style_read_from_prefs()"
I think this bug might lead to clues on how Inkscape could be spead up.