I've said it before and I will say it again... YOU ROCK BEYOND ALL BELIEF! (yes it required shouting and top posting, I am just that happy) THANKS YOU!
Now... Unfortunately I had a hectic weekend and this is my first time back at a computer. That means no further progress on the mask/clippath/pattern tutorial. My question is, should I add info about this to the Advanced tutorial as a higher priority than that other tutorial? I personally think so, but want other opinions.
Anyway, off to grill... and let me say again... THANK YOU!!!!!
bulia byak wrote:
An entirely new way of manipulating paths in Node tool is added in this version: Node sculpting. Normally, when you have several nodes selected and you drag one of them, all selected nodes move by the same amount. Now, if you Alt-drag one of the selected nodes, only that node is fully displaced; other selected nodes are moved less than the full amount, so that those farthest from the drag point remain stationary.