On Feb 5, 2008 7:44 PM, Joel Holdsworth <joel@...1709...> > > But
then, it can be fitted into Node tool as well, and would probably be even handier there because it's a typical node editing operation.
I see where you're going with that - I'm just worried that the node edit tool will become a dancing-elephant-cow-pig; the tool that has too many features! Also, I suspect that by the time we implement a rich set of features, the number of options will overflow the space on the node-edit context toolbar.
So we seem to be at a crossroads right now. With lots of new functionality on the horizon, we need to decide on the general approach we prefer: either multiply tools but leave each tool narrowly focused; or, limit the number of tools but broaden their capabilities, inventing some way to fit it all into the controls bar (e.g. by making it two-line when necessary? or adding tool mode switches that show/hide some controls, kinda like is done in Tweak tool?)
What do others think?