bulia byak wrote:
one thing that would be cool for what we are doing, is to be able to apply the transformation of a group directly to the element of the groups (without the transform attribute on the group, directly to the coordinates of the path). (maybe it is allready possible to do that with preference ?)
This can be added (file a RFE), but out of curiosity, why do you need that?
well i will try out to file a RFE.
We use inkscape for GIS stuff on forest : we load rasters images (geolocated by one or two points) and draw polygons on it (representing existing elements in the foret.) -> these elements are geolocated (as their positions are know (relatively ?? ) to the geolocated images. We, for the moment, 'flatten' transformations within a php-script on upload(because the path coordinates of the elements within a group are realy accurate only if the group as no transform). That would be, at least for us, a good time-gainning if the document could do that directly.
Then we upload the svg-file and, easily with a php script, we insert the drawned objects in a database, geolocated in coordinates Lambert II. And it becomes possible to create interactive-maps
A) interactivity like creating swf movie with phpming or interacting with the database with action-script and php on a flash-movie-container.[ We would much preffer to use the svg stuff directly into browser but players/extension/ for svg are not sufficiently mature/supported. And when svg on the web will be well supported we could drop flash directly because our datas are in svg format. B) interactivity like request-created maps upon criterias.
Yes it exist some GIS softs, and yes one could says that we are redesining the wheel but that is not my opinion. Inkscape is free software (free as in freedom), Inkscape is easy and friendly to use. And inkscape is the best svg editor wysiwyg ? :-) i know and inkscape is on win nux and almost on mac. The use of svg today will permit as the time goes by, in the near futur (12-18 months?? ), when vrml or another xml-base-3D-ForTheWeb-W3Ccompliant will be mature enought (and when exists a player free as freddom, easy to install and to use etc..... on win linux osx [looking on freewrl]) we could directly created some 3D-realtime-web-based 'worlds' of the forests we have on our databases with their elements.
That is a little "tomorrow will be a wonderfull world with wonderfull things and wonderfull peoples" thinking but i want to beleive it is possible. And if I gain skills and have some time, making the choice of free software (as in freedom) gives me the possibility to make these things happen by contributting, even if big-software-companies don't think it would be profitable and don't devellop that way.
whouu... such a loooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggg response. Xcuse for the real bad english.