25 Apr
25 Apr
5:26 p.m.
On 4/25/07, Jeffrey Brent McBeth <mcbeth@...1156...> wrote:
I have two problems on the Windows Nightly Build from two nights ago.
- Font rendering with styles defined like
<svg:g style="font-family:Differentfont"> <text>"Hello"</text>
The text is rendering in the default font rather than the font defined in the parent style
- Boolean operations
When I am doing difference operations, the resulting path is not in the same location as the starting point.
When reporting problems, please ALWAYS attach sample file. Never assume that others see the same thing as you do. Your SVG may have a lot of features that you are unaware of but that affect what you see. Please save developers' time by providing sample files and exact steps to reproduce.
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.