27 Jun
27 Jun
2:05 a.m.
2013/6/26 Johan Engelen <jbc.engelen@...2592...>
Will these intermediate results be available when the work is complete? I really like the Voronoi results, and it would be a shame to hide it from the user :) So, if it wasn't already suggested: please provide a button of sorts to output the Voronoi-diagram and all other intermediate results! :-)
I liked the intermediate results too, but not all of them.
There is no "correct" representation of the intermediate graphs and I don't plan to let the user access them.
The Voronoi graph has a "correct" and defined visual representation. I liked this representation and I plan to let the user access them, but only for the simplified Voronoi diagrams.
Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira