if noone answers till tomorrow i will open a bug report for it.
regards, TimeWaster
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Inkscape-devel] possible bug? Date: 15.12.2013 16:15 From: TimeWaster <sebi@...2963...> To: Inkscape Devel Mailingliste inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Reply-To:
i have the attached document:
<svg [...] width="602.36218" height="336.04724" [...] viewBox="0 0 170 94.840002"> <sodipodi:namedview [...] inkscape:document-units="mm" [...]
in inkscape "custom size" is set to px, "default units" is set to mm.
width and heigth are the size of the document in pixel, all other numbers are in mm. (they all have no unit specified, but i know it because of the dimensions of the drawing)
shouldn't the width and height parameter be width="602.36218px" instead of width="602.36218" since the document wide unit is mm (even the viewBox is in mm)?
i am using r12832 right now.
i think this is related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/605089 but it says it is fixed there, which i cannot confirm.
and even if you say that width should always be in px, having no explicit unit given makes it harder (more obfuscated) for people to understand and parse the documents.
regards, TimeWaster
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