Bryce Harrington wrote:
Ubuntu does a really cool thing by holding online "classes" on various topics, like making patches, using Launchpad, doing Screencasts, etc. [1] Other FOSS projects do similar.
I think it would be very worthwhile for us to do something like this - brief 101-level intros to various topics (both usage and development), if enough of us are able to teach.
How it'd work, is we'd set up #inkscape-classroom in IRC with logging, and publish a timeline of classes. The teacher would prepare their lesson plan, including screenshots, sample files, etc., then run the class for 1 hour (max) and answer questions, and afterwards put the IRC log into wiki (and clean it up a bit), for future reference.
Some random ideas for topics:
- Using Live Path Effects
- Using Filter Effects
- Creating Icons using Inkscape
- Web Design using Inkscape
- The Open Clip Art Library
- Google SoC Primer
- Translation 101
- Launchpad 101
- Refactoring 101
- Scripting Effects 101
- Bug Triage
- Debugging Inkscape
- Maintaining the Inkscape Windows Port
etc. etc.
What do you guys think? Does this sound like a good idea? Would you be interested in teaching a class, or have ideas for topics not listed above?
If there's enough interest (6+ teachers), I'll go ahead and start organizing it.
Hi I am new to Inkscape as well as this list. This mail is partially a welcome & introduction and partially an offer to help.
I have basic experience using Inkscape and creating content (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=205547) It's LEGO (ie the toy with the bricks) stuff which were accepted with interest from LEGO on-line communities.
I also have 3 years of teaching experience with MySQL (teaching assistance in university undergraduate and postgraduate database courses).
I am currently in state of learning beyond the basic usage of inkscape and this process interest me alot. I know that I am not the most fitting person for "teaching" Inckscape, but I could give a hand with minor tasks like reviewing material or helping prior to a class. I'd be happy to help somehow.
Moreover, I took took part in Google SOC 2007 with MySQL. SOC 2008 & Inkscape interests me a lot. I am currently looking the proposals and various available docs and peeking in the code.
Regards Vangelis Katsikaros
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