On 03/06/2012 13:09, Kris De Gussem wrote:
Hi all
Anyone who knows what happened to the verbs SP_VERB_LAYER_TOGGLE_LOCK and SP_VERB_LAYER_TOGGLE_HIDE? They are defined at lines 2450-2454 in verbs.cpp but do not seem to be used anymore. Could they be deleted or is some other change needed here?
Added in rev 11131: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/revision/11131
to implement - Bug #728081 “Keyboard shortcut - Lock current layer” https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/728081
Why delete them? AFAIU verbs can be used for keyboard shortcuts (predefined in 'share/keys/default.xml' or added by the user in '~/.config/inskcape/keys/default.xml'), via command line or dbus API even if they are presently not hooked up to a GUI element (menu, button).
They could be added as 'unbound' definitions to 'share/keys/default.xml' for now (to ease custom shortcut definitions for users).