On May 29, 2009, at 7:39 AM, JiHO wrote:
What we really need is costomizable toolbars
I realize that and completely agree... but are those anywhere near completion in GDK? Jon Cruz was talking about them a while ago and he seemed to be almost ready to code them from scratch for Inkscape only. What's the status of this?
Post 0.47
There are two main things that are needed:
1) Names and functions to expose. Some standard naming, along with some namespace conventions would probably be needed.
2) A nice external format for the XML of the UI. (Not too much work, but good to discuss if people care about it).
For the first point, I think we can coordinate a lot with the "Inkscape API" GSoC project. Perhaps as a early pass.
So we might be looking at something showing up perhaps weeks after we get 0.47 out.