On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:41:08 -0400, "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
- Implement the same document structure, but instead of pageSet,
masterPage and page, use regular g elements with extension attributes indicating their role.
I think these should correspond to new values for inkscape:groupmode.
-- enforce that only one of the sibling pages is visible at a time: as soon as the user switches to a page and makes it visible (perhaps for pages, we can implement "clicking on name makes visible"), all other pages are hidden, using the standard CSS visibility property as is done for layers
I don't think that CSS visibility is the way to do this since it is global; we are probably going to want to have a per-view notion of "current page" just as we do for "current layer". (It seems to me that the one more or less entails the other)
Anyway, having something that maps to the SVG Print stuff is going to be necessary anyway, if we ever want to support SVG profiles. We'll need a way to preserve e.g. page information even in "downlevel" documents.