On Mon, 2009-08-31 at 13:36 +0000, Nicolas Dufour wrote:
From: "mail@...2227..." <mail@...2227...> Is the logo licensed under the same license model?
I've had the same question some times ago. See: http://www.nabble.com/Inkscape-logo-license-td22659124.html#a22696315 http://www.nabble.com/Inkscape-logo-Public-Domain--Can%27t-be-right.-td21323...
There's also a bug report about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/345778
Ted, do you have some news?
No news really. I sat down with the lawyer from the SFLC at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit and went through some ideas on what we wanted to see in the Trademark agreement (basically, use it to represent Inkscape and we're cool) and she was taking it back to lawyer it up before sending it to the board for their comments/approval. She hasn't gotten back to me yet on that, I'll ping her again.