On 8/14/07, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
One other glitch which the tweak tool revealed: undoing looses selection.
Yes, this has been discussed before. The fix is not really trivial but relatively straightforward: we need to add to each undo record an object holding the ids of the selected objects, and reselect them by these ids on undo/redo. This should be a good project for anyone learning Inkscape programming :) If there are volunteers, please contact me or Mental for details.
- there was a way to select objects directly from the tweak tool.
this would, in addition, allow to avoid constant switches between the select tool and the tweak tool (not that s and and w are far apart on the keyboard but still). ALT is not already used as a modifier in the Tweak tool ;) Of course the selection behavior won't be as powerful as the select tool (since the select tool modifiers is already very complex and its modifiers are all full) but just ALT+click/drag = selects and SHIFT+ALT+click/drag = adds to selection would be nice.
Maybe just enable Alt to do touch selection, as in Selector? Then it would be consistent across tools which is a plus.