On 7/20/05, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> wrote:
That said, I'd like to make a tiny little suggestion for the Win32 builds: I've seen you guys are bundling the GTK+ libraries with the installer, and while I have to admit that may ease things to some extent, I don't think it's the best (and most thoughtful) choice, considering there are many other Win32 apps which also depend on GTK+ (GIMP, X-Chat, Gaim, Abiword, Dia, and maybe more in the near future).
We're having problems EVEN with the bundled libs. I can imagine what a heap of bugs we'll have if we rely on external libs... So, thanks but no thanks.
We are not in business of making most technically elegant or smallest distributions. We're in business of making distributions that are trivial to install and work reliably. Everything else is of much less importance. This approach means semi-static RPMs for Linux (everything included, except GTK which is normally available in the OS) and fully self-contained installers for Windows and OSX (everything included, period).