Tried to package the Intel Aqua build and ran into the following which raises a couple of points:
../../../python//ppc/2.5/numpy-1.0.4-py2.5.egg-info -> Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/python/site-packages/ppc/2.5/numpy-1.0.4-py2.5.egg-info cp: /opt/local/etc/pango/pangox.aliases: No such file or directory Looking for dependencies. Round 1 Looking for dependencies. Round 2 Looking for dependencies. Round 3 Could not rewrite dylb paths for bundled libraries. This requires Macports to be installed in a PREFIX of at least 50 characters in length.
The package will still work if the following line is uncommented in Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TOP/lib"
Application bundle creation failed
1. My opt/local/etc/pango contains only pango.modules and pangorc. There is a pangox.aliases in the original download file for pango 1.26 but the local portfile process did not include its installation in opt/---
2. I've seen the 50 character requirement mentioned in other posts - but not sure how to accomplish this with an OSX macports install that doesn't ask a whole lot of questions about where to put things. Since I don't use macports for anything else I just have the one tree that was installed for the Inkscape effort. Can I just rename it - or duplicate it with a 50 char name?
3. The export DYLD_------ line is already uncommented in the script - I assume this is normal ( but the package doesn't work - presumably because of 1 and 2.
Thanks for any help