On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 12:34:39AM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Jon Phillips wrote:
On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 16:23 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, MenTaLguY wrote: Btw, is there an early version of the SVG spec that we support 100%?
We talked before about SVG Tiny which is a subset of SVG 1.1: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile/
We don't fully support this though yet...mainly because of lack of support for the switch statement declaring multiple profiles.
What do you think if we set a goal for 0.42 or 0.43 to fully support 100% of SVG Tiny? That'd be a nice feather in the cap to be able to declare full compliance to one of the SVG specs.
As a first glance without looking much at either the spec or inkscape source, I believe we need the following: don't rely on style attributes working (use fill=... attributes); switch; SVG fonts; animation.
Styling We must write `fill="..." etc. attributes instead of using style="fill:...". (I.e. when writing SVG Tiny documents, we must not use style attributes -- or at least use only "redundant" style attributes if that's easier to implement.)
switch Minimum requirement is that we render it correctly (e.g. as a viewer would, showing just one child). Interface for viewing other branches would be nice (perhaps a non-modal dialog box listing the children named by their requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage attributes. The layers dialog box may be a good base.
SVG fonts: font, font-face, font-face-src, font-face-name, missing-glyph, glyph massifr has started work on this. He's still new to inkscape source code, so could use guidance.
a Especially relevant to Inkview. For Inkscape (editor), ability to launch URLs from the context menu might be nice but not essential. An ability to create <a> elements other than using the XML editor would also be nice.
Animation: animate, animateColor, animateMotion, animateTransform, mpath, set My reading is that we can't claim to support all of SVG Tiny without supporting animation.
Easier in a viewer than in an editor... For editing interface, Brisgeek says that Macromedia Flash is a good example. He couldn't off hand think of free software examples, but mentioned Moho as a gratis-but-non-free example. (Written in Java.) F4L is a non-functional free-software mock-up of the Flash 4 interface. Of course we should search for existing relevant free software.
For advanced stuff (research territory), we may be able to work with the project Opera people at INRIA, possibly working with the Madeus editor. (I mention this example only because our group at Monash has worked with them before.)
(I believe we don't need to do anything to support the foreignObject element. We already have the property of not discarding unrecognized elements like foreignObject and its children.)