On 22/08/2012 03:41, Gellule Xg wrote:
It looks like I may be able to package Inkscape in a dmg. The procedure is refreshed version of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/inkscape/+spec/inkscape-quartz It has been compiled on Moutain Lion (64 bits) from trunk. You should be able to give is a spin from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49834266/Inkscape.dmg Let me know if it works for you and/or if it is worth pushing this further.
The app bundle built on Mountain Lion fails to launch on OS X 10.7.4 Lion (I don't have access to a system with Mountain Lion). The crash report has no backtrace or otherwise useful information. AFAICT the main binary itself fails to run - probably it is not compatible with older versions of OS X.
If you are willing to share the sources for the "refreshed version" of the blueprint [1], I could test local builds (with trunk and 0.48.x) based on the refreshed packaging scripts on OS 10.7.4 Lion.
[1] there seem to be some minor changes e.g. with regard setting the python env via 'Contents/Resources/environment.sh', though the required python module lxml (for Python 2.7) is not included in the app bundle - extensions are likely still not working unless Apple decided to include the lxml module with the system Python 2.7 on Mountain Lion (like they did with numpy on Snow Leopard).