yeah... I can help again this time.
I hope we have <switch> and SVGFonts in 0.48 so that we could use it on the about screen and then we could have a single SVG file instead of one for each language.
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Luca Bruno <gnug.torte@...112...> wrote:
Joshua A. Andler scrisse:
All Devs (yes that includes Translators too), please chime in with your opinions as well as any comments on modifications that may need to be done.
I'm not going to vote here, as this time I don't have a strong opinion on which should be the winner.
Instead, I'll raise an issue which should preferably be addressed before going mainstream: the string "Draw freely" in the about screen is going to be translated, so it would be better done with a font with comprehensive multi-language support and not converted to path.
JucaBlues used to do the i18n last time, I'm Cc:ing him here for an head-up.
Ciao, Luca
-- .''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Luca Bruno (kaeso) : :' : The Universal O.S. | lucab (AT) debian.org `. `'` | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3 `- http://www.debian.org | Debian GNU/Linux Developer