On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:
Wait people, the article was about the OpenDocument format, not OOo.
They are different animals. And OpenDocument woudl be hurt a lot if people start associating it with OpenOffice.org. That's part of the reasonf or the name change. OpenDocument is a separate thing, independent of OOo, and bigger than OOo or KDE or any current supporter. Yes, the OOo format was used as a starting point for OpenDocument, but OpenDocument didn't stay there. I has been expanded, modified and edited with the goal of being a neutral, extensive format that different applications can support.
Ah, thanks for the correction. You can see the point of confusion though, in that something to do with office document file formats that is prefixed with 'Open' could easily be assumed to be a subset of OpenOffice.org. You may need to be reminding people about this for some time to come...