vellum wrote:
Nathan wrote:
These look suspiciously like the classic Quickdraw 8x8 type patterns - you sure that they scale? Particularly the wavey one :) njh
Nathan, Maybe a sloppy description in my post. I scaled one of the drawings but
fill pattern did not change size.
I have attached another couple of pictures showing the effect
with the wave fill. The first pic shows the original small object then
two enlarged versions. The second pic shows parts of the first two
under zoom.
Yep, this is just a classic Quickdraw style pattern.
Is this good or bad? Why? I do not understand your last sentence.
It's just not SVG. It's a very simple form of pattern that is particularly easy to render:
Would you expect SVG patterns to stay the same size or scale with the object?
An SVG pattern will transform with the object in question.
What about an option for either way when we get to it?
This is the same as the issue with the stroke thickness scaling with object scale. The solution will most likely be the same.
What do the WebDraw patterns do?. .
they do not scale with the object, indeed they probably always drawn at the same orientation too.