Dear Martin,
just a note on my branches: the embroidery branch includes the bool LPE from the lpe-bool branch + an embroidery stitch LPE. Javier reviewed the embroidery branch, so this should be taken. The lpe-bool branch can be discarded then. The reason for this duplication is that it was discussed to take the bool LPE into 0.92 but not the embroidery LPE, so I split it back then. But then time was to tight and neither made it.
Best regards,
On 03.06.2017 19:59, Martin Owens wrote:
Dear developers,
There are 23 active merge requests into our bzr branch system. Please go to:
And find a merge request to review. Reviewing this code, we can decide if it's code we should have or if it's safe to discard.
Some of the items are "needs fixing", if the fix looks interesting or important and you think you can bring it over the line and get it in, please do help. And we can consolidate and clean up the merge requests before the great git gearing.
Give a little of your time for the project to get us to git. Thanks everyone!
Best Regards, Martin Owens Bazaar Sanitation Services