24 Apr
24 Apr
8:01 p.m.
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 13:51:38 -0700 Bryce Harrington <bryce-62t0njrQewJOQH0ioeenfUB +6BGkLq7r@...885...> wrote:
Undo/Redo Dialog
!!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
We have a patch for this, but the author has not been reachable. Also needed is undo annotations.
- Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
(I'm the missing author) Sorry, I haven't been following the list for the last month. I'll try to make the changes metal has described before the Feature Freeze (and still leave some time for review, etc.) I can't promise it will be finished in time, but I will keep you updated as I proceed.
-- Gustav Broberg