2010/6/2 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...>
On 6/2/10, Oleg Koptev wrote:
Inkscape has been available for translation in Rosetta for ages. How much contribution has actually happened? How many non-finished translations were finished and to what extent? At which point will that "potential" unfold?
At the point of social promotion. I often see 'vote for translations'
many projects on the LP i18n maillist.
What does 'vote for translations' mean?
That mean - if developer want to close much of non-finished translations to the moment of release for example, he drop a message to maillist. The exact form of that message could differ.
And I need to say that everytime that have huge impact for contributions.
Any of those projects have 5.5K translatable messages which requires quite a patience and devotion that Rosetta translators lack so much?
Didn't count. Some have much, some have less. By the way I need to say that serious translation work always require patience. p.s. Seems you label them all (LP Translators)