Digging into the job, I've ripped away dom/* and most of the code works.
I've ported color-profile.cpp which was using the dom::URI to Inkscape::URI and the same replacement can be done to odf extension.
A missing piece was zipfile support.
src/dom/util/ziptool.cpp/.h was a self-contained zip implementation so I've moved that to src/util/ since it has no equivalent functionality.
That worked well. I've hit a small problem with Inkscape::URI not having a constructor with no-arguments which I think can be solved by adding an OdfOutput constructor which initalises the URI instead of it auto initalising (c++ does this right?), but this seems odd to me as if the Odf shouldn't initalise the URI until it needs it.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 03:49 +0100, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2014-02-26 3:19 GMT+01:00 Markus Engel <p637777@...1081...>:
You may simply remove everything except the util folder, and dom.h domimpl.cpp domimpl.h domptr.cpp domptr.h ucd.cpp ucd.h uri.cpp uri.h
IIRC, dom.h is only used in ODG import (src/extension/internal/odf.cpp), and even there it looks like only the URI and DOMString classes are actually used. The latter can be trivially replaced with Glib::ustring.
Regards, Krzysztof