Needless to say...Bulia, you are the shit!
Cool! That is about a 1000X improvment on editing...
I wonder though if it should keep the inverse and also have a black border with an outer white border. It is much better, but still gets lost sometimes. Thoughts? The outer white border, like on the mouse pointer helps sooo much to pop out small nodes against dark colors.
Great WORK!
On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 13:42, bulia byak wrote:
I think the node to edit the dynamic offset though should be black with white outline. Does anyone know how to change this. I think it is a major usability problem, seeming that our normal shapes on startup have a black border which renders this node invisible.
I fixed this for the shapes' handles in node edit (offset, rect, spiral, etc). They are now inverse, i.e. always visible. And even better than that, they have a light gray but not inverse border, which helps if they are over a 50% gray or when two knots are on top of each other. In other words, it's now simply impossible to render a knot invisible no matter what is the background. The path nodes are also made more bright and visible, and the nodes and control handles are more different. Please report your experience.
What strikes me most is that the code for showing knots in inverse was already there, although not used. All I did is changed some flags and adjusted colors. It never ceases to amaze me how much effort was put by Sodipodi author into the program internals but how little he cared about making this stuff actually usable.
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