You have an idea how much time could this bug happen?
El dom, 20-03-2016 a las 00:44 +0000, C R escribió:
Here's a video of the issue:
http://www.opendesignstudio.org/inkscape/inkscape_dynamic_offset_prob lem.ogv
I updated to the latest inkscape-trunk to be sure it hadn't been fixed.
Here also is the svg file with the star in a noticeably corrupted state: http://www.opendesignstudio.org/inkscape/inkscape_dynamic_offset_test .svg
I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 with Gnome 3, as you can see from the video.
Thanks again for looking into it, Jabier. :) -C
On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz < jabier.arraiza@...2893...> wrote:
I couldent reproduce it with current trunk r14720 Debian Stretch. Could provide a SVG as example?
Thanks in advance.
El jue, 17-03-2016 a las 23:12 +0000, C R escribió:
Sorry, it's "dynamic offset" that is broken. I've been working too much. :P
To reproduce results:
- Draw any shape
- Add a dynamic offset to the shape
- Drag the linked offset handle out or in.
On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 10:24 PM, C R <cajhne@...400...> wrote:
Hey, just noticed that linked offset now produces very bad results.
I'm using Inkscape 0.91+devel r (Mar 14 2016)
To reproduce results:
- Draw any shape
- Add a linked offset to the shape
- Drag the linked offset handle out or in.
Star and rounded rectangle example with linked offset here: http://www.opendesignstudio.org/inkscape/linked_ofset_problem.p ng
As you can see the results are wavey/garbagey. Whatever changes were made to the linked offset modifier seem to have broken it pretty badly. :/
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