On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 04:15:07PM -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
Howdy folks,
(sorry about the accidental first send)
As we've discussed more that once we're looking to move a Bazaar repositories on Launchpad over to Git repositories on GitLab. We're now closing in on the time for that migration. We've discussed a schedule in the board meeting this afternoon and I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the plan. We're expecting 24-hours of "downtime" as part of this.
==== Step 1 ====
Wed, 7 Jun evening US time
We're going to make the Bazaar repositories owned by the project owned by the board and then start migrating them to Git. This will hopefully mean that accidental commits won't happen. The migration to Git will take a few hours, giving it over night to complete (allow for some network hiccups).
==== Step 2 ====
Wed, 8 Jun morning US time
Push the Git repo and branches to GitLab, this should take a little while, but will hopefully be done by the afternoon. We should be generally good to go after that, but will verify a couple of downloads.
==== Step 3 ====
I'll send an e-mail to the mailing lists for each phase as we go through them with a status update. If you have an open branch on LP, it should be migrated. Please make sure to push before Wed. night the 7th. It would be even better if they could be merged but that shouldn't be required. You should be able to pick up your branch from Gitlab on the other side.
For tracking purposes, let's use the tag 'gitlab-migration' for bug reports. Especially for things we don't need to tackle presently, like the 0.44 import, the bug reports will serve as docs in case someone wants to investigate them further later on. There's a few places in the code where it uses bzr revno's, which will need to be changed to git sha's or whatnot.
Also, just to check Ted, did you get a copy of KK's script to fix up discrepant author names and emails? I can send it to you if not.
Thanks, Bryce