Am 27.10.2017 um 17:38 schrieb Eduard Braun:
Am 27.10.2017 um 16:57 schrieb Sebastian Kraft:
Warning: failed to load shared library libgdk-3-0.dll referenced by typelib: libgdk-3-0.dll module not found
The package mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3-3.22.9-1 was installed and libgdk-3-0.dll is in Inkscape. Not sure what is still missinghere...
Latest version is actually but it should not really matter..
I think it doesn't matter as long as it is compiled with GCC 6. MSYS moved to GCC 7 after June 30, so I have to stick with libraries compiled before this date.
Also helpful: http://repo.msys2.org/mingw/x86_64/mingw-w64-x86_64-ntldd- (works like Linux ldd but tweaked for mingw-w64; allows you to check what dlls are missing and which dlls are loaded from where)
Now I used the Dependency Walker and saw that I missed the libepoxy DLL. Really hard to manually keep track of all nested dependencies. Finally it is working!
Thanks, Sebastian