Not in the sense that SVG does not support anything but regular bezier paths. So at the SVG level, they will always be regular paths with LPE attached. But we can certainly make dealing with Spiros more convenient - for example, we can add to the Pen tool a switch allowing it to draw a spiro path directly.
I nearly forgot this! Added Spiro to possible modes! :D
(is it possible to do LPE on top of Spiro lines yet though? Current LPE seems to be only one at a time...)
I've also removed the word "presets" before the presets (because it should be obvious enough, and is part of Shape), and I've added the repeat modes when Clipboard is chosen. I'm not sure about what to do with all the other options though (or if they're even necessary with the pencil tool), the toolbar is getting quite crowded as is.