I will fix these things so there is no need to report them in the bug tracker. To be honest, behavior described by you as the first problem (UI regression) is done like that on purpose. I believe it's more natural this way but if you wish it changed, there is no problem.
2013/9/2 su_v <suv-sf@...58...>
On 2013-08-24 23:40 +0200, Jan Darowski wrote:
This week I added loading procedural templates into my widget so they could be listed next to the static templates. This required some changes in the current NewFromTemplate code but it's functionality remains unchanged.
A couple of issues I noticed with trunk builds after the commit of the first part ("NewFromTemplate GSoC project for static templates") http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/revision/12476 as well as with an up-to-date build of your branch (r12482) https://code.launchpad.net/~slagvi/inkscape/templates:
- UI regression
It is no longer possible to open multiple new documents from within the same inkscape process:
Previous behavior: 'Ctrl+N', or selecting a template from the menu 'File > New' always opens a new document in a new document window
Current behavior (>= r12476): 'Ctrl+N', or selecting a specific template in the new dialog re-uses the current document window unless it has an existing document loaded, or the current new document has been dirtied.
- GUI regression (minor)
After opening a new document (Ctrl+N, or selecting a template in the new dialog), the mouse cursor for canvas stays 'busy' in the original window (or - if it was new and not yet dirtied - in the current resued document window) until a tool switch triggers a new cursor symbol to be used. The cursor symbol is misleading, since the main process is not blocked (inkscape is not actually 'busy'). Does not happen with older builds (< r12476) or stable.
- GUI usability (keyboard)
The new dialog currently forces the use of the mouse, even to trigger a button (or presumed default action). It would be great if the new dialog also supported features like
- double-click on list item creates new document based on template (see
for example the dialog to select path effects) 2) basic keyboard-based navigation (like in all other parts of the GUI) Currently, activation of a focused GUI widget with <Space> or <Return> does not work for both buttons in the new dialog: the buttons are visually pressed, but nothing else happens (no action triggered).
- Backwards compatibility (template names)
All templates whose file names start with 'default' are now ommitted from the list.
This affects a couple of shared templates: Variations of the basic default document with A4 page size, using different base units (mm, pt) are no longer included in the list of available templates:
as well as user templates:
Many of my custom user templates for example had been created based on a simple naming scheme: basename of original file ("default") with a short string appended describing the major difference:
- default-400x400.svg
- default-dark.svg
- default-isometry-1.svg
- ...
These custom templates are no longer shown in the list of available templates with current trunk builds.
AFAIU the naming scheme for translated templates uses a '.' as separator ('default.xy.svg') - thus none of the mentioned missing templates could (or should) be mistaken as translated versions of the 'default.svg' template.
Please let me know if you would prefer that these issues get reported in the bug tracker (instead of mentioning them here on the mailing list).
(All items have been tested and reproduced with current trunk on Ubuntu 12.04 (PPA), 12.10 (local build), 13.04 (PPA) and on OS X 10.7.5)