Thanks everyone who volunteered to teach classes, it looks like there's enough basic interest, although we'll need more to cover enough topics.
Here is a page for organizing and scheduling:
Bernard, Albert, and Dale, I've listed the classes you expressed interest in teaching; please select a time that is convenient for you to hold the sessions.
Ted, could you do a class on doxygen code docs?
Ryan Lerch, could you and Tom tackle teaching the 'Bug Triage' class?
Jon Cruz, could you cover a class on unit testing using cxxtest?
Mental, I think we desperately need a class on code refactoring - would you mind putting something together on this? (It would also be great if you could co-pilot the cxxtest class.)
Bulia, would you mind giving a class on using filter effects? If you're open to doing a second class and don't have something else already in mind, one about how to code filter effects would be quite valuable.
Ishmal, can you hold a session on Maintaining the Win32 Port, with a focus on how to get involved in fixing windows bugs reported in launchpad, including how to build and develop Inkscape on Windows? I expect there'll also be questions about building Inkscape using Visual C++ or other IDEs.
Tavmjong, your book is an excellent resource for users needing to learn Inkscape in and out - could you do a "book talk" on it, perhaps highlighting a couple topics, and where to obtain it?
Gail, since you've been strongly involved with GSoC and helping students in general, would you mind running a session on GSoC for Inkscape, that covers the general questions, and gives students some time to discuss and get feedback on their proposals?
Inc, could you hold a session on using Drupal? Explain the basics - how to access it, sign up for accounts, create/edit pages, etc.
ACSpike, would you mind doing one on scripting extensions for Inkscape?
Maximilian, it would be great if you could give a basic overview of the 3D tool infrastructure from a development point of view, and outline/brainstorm where it can be taken from here, with pointers to key bugs needing solved, and resources that may be of value to developers in the future.
Luca, Adib, and Prokoudine, obviously it's too late for 0.46 and too early for 0.47, but I think it's important to include some translation training in this program. Would you mind running a session on either an overview of translation, or perhaps focusing on specific issues relating to i18n/l10n that need improved in inkscape (code, web, docs, ...)? (Or both)
Johan Engelen, could you run a class on Using Live Path Effects?
Miklos Erdelyi, could you hold a session on the state of PDF support in Inkscape, highlighting future work needing to be done, and to provide a forum for discussing existing bugs reported against PDF and the steps involved in troubleshooting them?
ScislaC, could you run a session on Writing Tutorials for Inkscape? An overview of the entire process end to end (including initial content generation, then on to converting into XML, and finally integration into Inkscape and placement into the Help menu).
Nicu, you've done a huge amount of great tutorials for Inkscape. Would you mind holding a session aimed at helping newbie artists develop their Inkscape artistic skills? It could point to key exercises to master, and techniques for getting more out of Inkscape.
microUgly, I love your 'Quick Guide to Inkscape', would you be willing to give a 'Inkscape for Illustrator Users' class, to present your quick guide and answer questions from those looking to transition from Illustrator?
I'd also like to see additional classes on using inkscape. In addition to Nicu's work[0], I see there a lot of great tutorials out there, on topics such as drawing hair[1], creating diagrams[2], 3D basic shapes[3], text tricks[4], metal orbs[5], icons[6], and lots more[7,8]. Would people be willing to volunteer for these or other topics? Basically just point people to the tutorial to work through, and be online to answer questions they have as they work their way through it.
0. http://howto.nicubunu.ro/ 1. http://chrisdesign.wordpress.com/2007/12/29/drawing-hairs/ 2. http://www.ioncannon.net/utilities/123/10-tips-for-creating-good-looking-dia... 3. http://raikardesigns.blogspot.com/2007/09/illustrating-3d-objects-in-inkscap... 4. http://www.ffnn.nl/pages/articles/media/inkscape-text-tricks.php 5. http://chrisdesign.wordpress.com/2008/02/14/simple-metal-orb-using-gradients... 6. http://sidux.com/index.php?module=pnWikka&tag=InkscapeIconBasicsEN 7. http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/TutorialsAndHelp 8. http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/