On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 00:23 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
In my experience telling the committee what they should do doesn't work and probably isn't good manners either :) (Hence... :))
Good job I didn't do that then.
Oh, come now, not everyone ignores "Donate" menu item :)
We could do a poll of inkscape users who don't know about free and open source to find out.
You are suggesting to delegate organization of a kickstarter to a user who wants to just give some money and get a feature or a fix in return. It won't work.
If it won't, then it won't. It's a fair point; conjecture but not proven. It's obvious the feature isn't _very_ important to them if they're not willing to spend 10 years learning c++, spend the large sums of money or spend a small amount of time fund raising[1]. I admit not everyone will be in a position to do any of those things, but at least it's better than the current and only model which requires non-programming users to not get features unless they're good friends with the developers first and know how to ask very nicely.
Even though as a developer I might like that.
money isn't just about getting developer's paid, it's also about empowering non-technical users. Sometimes I think we forget that.
[1]. I am being flippant, factor that into the reading of this email.