Hi Martin:
El dom, 22-05-2016 a las 00:58 -0400, Martin Owens escribió:
This looks really good Jabier,
Thank you so much for spending the time on the feature.
My main question is: does this feature work on the selected items or on all items in the layer? I noticed the code loops through all items to apply the clip mask.
If no selection, use bounding box of the eraser tool -red- contained items, if there is selection use only selected items, retaining selection after it.
I also think it works throught layers, but not tested yet, maybe need to switch 2 or 3 lines from current layer to top most.
(at some point we should look at the speed of the eraser tool, because it's a bit slow even on fast machines (I mean the apply speed, not the drag speed))
Not sure about the speed, I try it in a very slow machine in the video. I think I can speed a bit I need to put time marks to get the slower processes.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
Cheers, Jabier.