On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Keith Packard wrote:
I've been using a garbage collector in C for about twenty years which is different from the Boehm system.
It looks really interesting to me. I'm not sure it would address the general problems we've had with garbage collection[1], nor that it offers everything we need for C++.
- Completely portable -- no machine dependent code at all
I have to say I find the use of a "reference stack" in avoiding the need to examine the stack or registers to be very elegant.
- Integrates with malloc/free using code
Hmm. We haven't really had many integration problems with the boehm collector. About 1/4 of our codebase uses the collector, and the remainder uses the system allocator (generally via glib).
The one issue that does come to mind is the problem of storing references to collector-managed objects in malloc-managed memory.
In Inkscape's case we have some collector-managed classes which have supplementary refcounts. Objects of these hybrid classes are pinned while they have a nonzero refcount, and can safely be referenced from untraced memory if refcounts are managed appropriately.
Of course, refcounts used in this fashion can create some interesting issues with cycles if they're used redundantly with references the collector knows about -- for example, leaks from incompletely removing internal refcounting from refcounted classes when they were rewritten to be such hybrids.
The only other major issue has been pre-existing refcount leaks whose effects were magnified when the collector was introduced, since the collector knows about a lot of references naive refcounting could not.
Is there any alternate way the nickle collector could assist us in marrying the collected and uncollected worlds?
- Precise pointer knowledge - the set of referenced objects is known,
not discovered.
That would be exceptionally nice to have, especially as large RGBA image buffers have a decent chance of looking a lot like arrays of valid pointers in places.
Right now we have to expose a distinction between "atomic" and "traced" classes to deal with that sort of thing; it would be nicer if classes intrinsically knew to mark themselves appropriately, but things are certainly managable as-is.
- Requires stylized function call/return macros both where the
allocator is used as well as in at least one place above all allocation calls in the call graph.
For Inkscape that needn't be as ugly as it might be in C, since in C++ you could do things like this[2]:
class Thing : public Managed { ... };
void fleem() { MemStackFrame frame; ... Thing *blah = new Thing(); ... }
Thing *blah() { MemStackFrame frame; ... Thing *foo = new Thing(); Thing *bar = new Thing(); ... return frame.retain(something_p() ? foo : bar); // only one kept }
and would have the advantage of being exception-safe, obeying C++ scoping rules, and so forth.
There would be some issues with this that I'm not immediately sure how to solve, though:
* implementing other allocation interfaces: - array new/delete - an STL allocator - use in automatic variables
* finalization (required e.g. when collector-managed objects reference purely refcounted objects)
* situations where 'Managed' isn't the root of a class hierarchy (e.g. as a result of multiple inheritance) -- we'd basically need a facility to get the base address of a collector-managed object, given an interior pointer like boehm's GC_base()
Admittedly I'm not sure how necessary some of these are.
[1] As far as I can tell there's only one problem we've had that's specific to the Boehm collector (the allocation hangs), and that one appears likely to be a bug in the particular version of the collector rather than an issue with conservative collection.
[2] The implementation, so far as the example goes, could probably be something like the following...
class MemStackFrame;
class Managed { public: void *operator new(size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc) { void *header=MemAllocateRef(datatype_(), size); if (header) { return object_(mem); } else { throw std::bad_alloc(); } } void operator delete(void *) { /* do something? */ }
protected: virtual void mark_() {}
private: Managed *object_(void *object) { return (Managed *)((char *)object + sizeof(struct bfree)); } void *header_(Managed *object) { return (char *)object - sizeof(struct bfree); } static void invoke_mark_(void *object) { object_(object)->mark_(); } static DataType *datatype_() { static DataType type = { &Managed::invoke_mark_, NULL, "C++" }; return &type; }
friend class MemStackFrame; };
class MemStackFrame { public: MemStackFrame() : stack_pointer_(STACK_TOP(MemStack)), retained_(NULL) {}
~MemStackFrame() { if (retained_) { STACK_RETURN(MemStack, stack_pointer_, retained_); } else { STACK_RESET(MemStack, stack_pointer_); } }
template <typename T> T *retain(T *object) { retained_ = Managed::header_(object); return object; }
private: StackPointer stack_pointer_; StackElement retained_; };