Hi all
Okay, since the discussion seems to be tapering off, to summarize it sounds like no one has an issue with there being a translator mailing list.
I feel a bit guilty there : since I've launched the ball, i should involve a bit more. Plus I'd like to get some feedback from Arpad.
The next step is to get enough people to voice a commitment to make use of it. We need at least 3-5 people to give a thumb's up in answer to the question, "If an Inkscape translator mailing list is set up, will you participate actively on it?"
I volunteer for animating a translator ML, with the following topics : - where are we ? (what are the translation status ? Which languages need some more commitment...) - where do we (translators) usually face some issues ? (specific vocabulary, synchronization with development...) - get some best practices from the ML and then, write them down on the wiki - share experiences on specific blocking points - take a look at the various tasks, on different levels : (core software strings, tutorials, text docs, web pages...)
Please answer here on this list. As soon as we get enough people, I'll go ahead and set it up.