10 Mar
10 Mar
12:11 p.m.
I found a error while compiling for make check.
The make check produce this line 3 times: VER_SVNREV=" r`svn info . | sed -n -e '/^Revision:/s/Revision: (.*)/\1/p'`"; \
But my system is in portuguese, that will never found "Revision", and we may have other non english systems. So, we need to prepend the "svn info" with LANG=en: VER_SVNREV=" r`LANG=en svn info . | sed -n -e '/^Revision:/s/Revision: (.*)/\1/p'`"; \
I have committed this change in src/Makefile.am, may we have others like that...
PS: Thanks Jasper :-)
Aurélio A. Heckert http://colivre.coop.br/Aurium
GNU/Linux User #312507 http://counter.li.org
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Ilustração Vetorial Livre: http://InkscapeBrasil.org
Coop. de Tecnologias Livres: http://Colivre.coop.br
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