Dear developers, dear candidates,
thank you all for your participation in the Inkscape Board elections — especially to the candidates, who volunteered for these positions and who patiently answered the questions that were asked on the mailing list.
All in all, 40 project members cast their vote.
The two candidates who won the election are Krzysztof Kosiński and Martin W.F. Owens.
You can take a look at the complete results of the election at https://vote.sfconservancy.org/results.php?election_id=6
Also, we'd like to ask everyone on the Board to check up on your profiles on the inkscape.org website and fill in a short bio text, if there isn't any yet, as they will be presented on the web page about the Board.
The 'old' Board members, Tav, Ted, Jon, Bryce and Josh, will help you with any questions you have about your duties, and give you access to Board-only resources, like the board-docs repo at launchpad.
All best, The Inkscape Elections Committee