Am Mittwoch, 23. September 2015, 13:58:45 schrieb C R:
Unless the original creator of the font specifically made it an open license, this is a stolen font. Adding/changing a few glyphs to a proprietary font and re-posting it as creative commons, does not make it creative commons.
I have done a comparison of the glyphs in the original Pushkin font (Copyright [c] A.S.Puskin & ParaType, 1999) and the "newPushkin" font downloaded from that page.
View the results here: http://www.opendesignstudio.org/inkscape/samples/pushkin_vs_new_pushkin_outl ined.pdf
Did you actually compare the nodes of the individual glyphs? While I don't think that it's the case here it would still be possible that the original font was redrawn with the same look, however AFAIK only the actual vector information of a font is copyrighted, not the look.
Someone has egregiously ripped-off this font, even going as far as to remove the author's signature glyph from the original.
This is a claim not being proven by your visual comparison. So better back it with data.
It should be taken down immediately from all Libre projects.