On Wed, 26 Apr 2006, Aaron Spike wrote:
I'm still rather hating the way I'm currently implementing attributes for storing live effects parameters.
Okay, I'm going to go off on a tangent here, but take a trip with me :)
I'd really, really, really like path effects to be implemented as extensions. I've got most of the code done to do this, I'll finish it up and get it into the main repository. With that, I'm going to suggest this syntax:
<path inkscape:path-effects="org.inkscape.patheffect.a, org.inkscape.patheffect.b" inkscape:extension-param-org.inkscape.patheffect.a-val1="1023" inkscape:extension-param-org.inkscape.patheffect.a-val2="bob" inkscape:extension-param-org.inkscape.patheffect.b-val1="1" d="M 1 2 L 3 4" inkscape:path-effect-orig-d="M 1 0 L 2 3" inkscape:pressures="1.0 0.8" inkscape:tilts="45 134" inkscape:pressures-orig="0.9 0.4" inkscape:tilts-orig="23 34"/>
I realize that this is a little chatty. I'm counting on gzip to fix that ;) But, seriosuly, it works with the code that already does parameters for extensions and it provides doing multiple effects. I think the only downside is that you can't include the same path effect twice with different parameters. If we want to do that, I think we'll have to go with child nodes.