Jody Palmer kirjutas:
I would like to be able to add svg view tags like <view id="myview" viewBox="34 38 92 99"> </view> and have the bounds of the viewbox be associated with a rectangle. Ideally it would be bound to the rectangle so that editing the rectangle size, shape or position would modify the view. The purpose is to allow me to link between SVG diagrams in a useful way.
Is this supported? Is anyone working on it already? If not and I can find the time to implement it, would it be a useful contribution?
Any suggestions or comments are welcome (remember that I have not yet seen the code base).
- Jody
I was not able to find it from SVG spec. You could use easy workaround instead: apply clipping to a group, which contains all your elements, I think it could even be layer-group.