Not really because the grid is not _supposed_ to do that, since you specify the distance between the gridlines and maybe an orgin.
Okay so in the case of the document I opened it was coincidence that the page edges coincided with Grid lines but you said "maybe an origin" so I am asking if there is any reason for the 'origin' not to be setup in such a way as to coincided with the top left corner of the page?
Damn. To answer my own question I see that Inkscape considers the bottom left corner to be the origin and the grid does align with that corner.
yup, that's fine, but maybe a grid offset from that orgin would be cool as well... but no priority
I think a seperate option is actually quite needed and it's what I know from InDesign after all.
I thought the grid was more dynamic than it really was, the current grid hides some of the lines when it is at 50% Zoom level and as a result I incorrectly assumed that the grid was dynamic and got subdivided at different Zoom levels (but it doesn't).
Well, even if it did, it would not replace the margin and page egde snapping.. I usually have a 10mm grid with 2 subdevision in InDesign. Since the page has a hight of 297 mm I won't have a gridline on the page edge nor at the margin, that would maybe be at 12 mm...