On 15-05-12 18:59, mathog wrote:
On 14-May-2012 00:33, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
Interesting. So you tried both, and in both cases you are unable to get buildtool to compile multiple files in parallel?
No, I only tried the parallel on the most recent one (straight from sourceforge). Btool seems to think it is doing the right thing: ... but task manager shows it never breaks 50%, with idle always >=50%. Near as I can tell it is only ever trying to compile one thing at a time. Strange, the vast majority of the dll's are the same (except possibly different versions). The newer one has pthreadGC2.dll whereas the older has libpthread-2.dll.
Some sort of threads is working in this mingw because when I break in inkscape itself gdb sees multiple threads.
Hmm... I think task manager should be able to tell you how many threads btool is using. If it is using 2 threads, the process could in principle be IO bound. Also, you might try increasing the thread count (hyper threading and such might be playing tricks on you).