On Wed, Feb 07, 2018 at 12:57:08AM -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
On Tue, 2018-02-06 at 17:45 -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Other services (mediawiki, mattermost, forums, planetplanet, et al) can also be hosted here. If you're interested in working on setting up a service for Inkscape or migrating an existing one, and are either conversant in ansible or interested in learning, please let me know and I'll help get you started.
I'm interested in a setting up a staging site for the website, athough I'm not ansible literate although it doesn't really need much. Just nginx, python and a few libs.
Yeah I'm extremely novice with ansible myself, but it's said to be pretty newbie friendly so probably just a matter of a tutorial or two. Ian's ansible code has been fairly easy to follow.
I'm also setting up a temporary web host that won't be managed through ansible, that we can use to bootstrap and to host trivial things. This will have a basic apache web server and ample bulk storage space, but otherwise will be extremely no-frills - no PHP, no CGI, no apache mods/ It should be suitable for static HTML and basic http-based file sharing. More on this to come, or drop me a line if you can't wait.
Shouldn't it be nginx for consistancy? Apache's a bit of a beast for just simple file hosting (even though it's CentOS default httpd)
Perhaps it should, yes, but I have Apache experience but no nginx to speak of, and like I mentioned this is temporary and I'm doing what's expedient more than what's long term supportable. Later maybe in a year or so, once we understand needs more precisely we'll replace it with something fully ansibled and nginxed down the line.
are you planning on Ubuntu machines or CentOS machines? (or does it not matter?)
These will be Ubuntu 16.04.