So, yes, we could implement a "simple" fix that lets users specify a font size in points. We could even just use the SVG unit pt, as that is also defined as an "appropriate" multiple of px. And perhaps we should do this if people find it useful. But I think it would give the wrong impression (that you were actually using an absolute unit) and it could lead to weird issues once Inkscape will let the user specify the coordinate system (do we then stick to the somewhat arbitrary scaling factor or do we want true points?). I admit that it's a slightly academic debate, but still, what's the point if you're not really using points?
As I see it, we already have real world units in inkscape UI everywhere, all of them assuming a resolution of 90dpi. People is using those "real world units" based on that: the default document is A4, if inches or centimeters are selected as default units for the document, that's what the user gets in inkscape. Of course it's a problem when you want to take the artwork created in Inkscape to other applications (for instance Scribus, which apparently uses 72 dpi for imported SVGs) I'm aware that adding that option (real world units in the type dialog assuming 90dpi) won't be a good long-term solution, but I'm sure it will be well received by a lot of people as an acceptable interim solution. Type size in pixels was reported as a bug several times. Probably people working for web don't care, but designers creating brochures, posters and things that have to end up printed, are more used to DTP points than to any other unit for type. With that change things will be better for that part of the userbase, and won't be worse for anybody, since the real units confusion is already installed with the current implementation in most of the tools.