2011/7/1 Jon Cruz <jon@...18...>:
However, there are a few things that the verbs do that GtkAction does not. Conceptually it is slightly higher level. Also being able to be associated with more than a single view can be helpful. Consider the case where you have a single document, but multiple windows open editing that at the same time.
GTK docs say in this case you should create a separate set of GtkActions for each window.
A different issue you should look into is exactly *which* GtkActions are allowed. Some systems only support stock GtkAction classes that come with Gtk, whereas Inkscape has several custom GtkAction subclasses.
Which "some systems"? If you can compile a GTK application, you can also write custom subclasses of GtkAction, for example EgeAdjustmentAction could be rewritten as a subclass of GtkAction. The only caveat is that gtkmm might not expose 100% of functionality available through the C API.
Regards, Krzysztof