On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 02:09 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Ted Gould <ted@...11...> wrote:
* Added a focus mode activated by Shift+F11. The goal of this mode is to remove all toolbars for a short period so that you maximize screen area. Useful on small screens. Also when you know lots of shortcuts.
So we have full screen (F11), show/hide dialogs (F12), and now this. I think it starts getting confused. Can you perhaps merge your functionality with shiw/hide dialogs and rename it "hide UI" or "slideshow mode"?
How about "Show/Hide toolbars"?
* Created what I'm calling "Quick Zoom." The idea here is to have a modal zoom for touching up something with fine detail and then returning to what you're doing. This is activated with the letter "Q" on the keyboard. When you release it, you return back to where you were. This will zoom in on selected objects, or if you're in the node tool selected nodes.
Is this really much more convenient than just zooming into something and then pressing ` key to get back to previous zoom? I think having to hold Q is very clumsy. Also, what is this mode's relation to tools
- is this a separate tool? does it work in all tools or not?
Heh, well I think using ` is clumsy ;)
For me at least it makes sense with how I work on a document. I tend to stay at a high level and then go in an tweak something. This is probably because, for the most part, the things I do are relatively simple compared to other documents. But, having a whole undo stack is overly complex and too much to think about. I guess for me, it's "undo stack lite." I also like having it tied to the physical action of letting go of the key -- as this also reminds me that I can undo :)
It is tool agnostic, but only grabs the points and does something special with them in the node tool. Otherwise it works off of the selection.
* Made it so that dialogs will be transparent when not focused. This is an alternate to having the docked, and one that I like better as I feel it gives me more screen area. You can adjust how much transparency and the speed of the animation in the preferences dialog. (Note: this requires GTK+ 2.12 and a compositor, but gracefully degrades if you don't have either)
Wow. Can you please post a screenshot for those who, like me, have an antiquated video card and no compositor?
Here is an old screenshot, the look is the same, it just works much better now :)
As an interesting side note, compositors don't require that powerful of a graphics card. One of the Compiz developers was showing me it running on his 5 year old laptop. It's really more about the drivers providing good access to the hardware and not falling back to software support.