Dear developers,
We've just concluded our board meeting and one of the issues was funding. We're kicking around an idea of allowing some developers to use the service Patreon ( to collect subscriptions to fund their Inkscape development.
This system of funding would be quite different from either a centralised funding model or the status quo of non-user involvement.
These are some very raw thoughts for considering and I'd love to get more feedback from the wider developer community:
* Developers would be allowed to create a Patreon page which describes their work on Inkscape.
* Each developer would be shaping their focuses and would be responsible to keeping their Patreon pages up to date.
* Developers may only define themselves as Inkscape developers on patreon if: . + They are Inkscape developers (in the list of devs) . + Are considered active in the project. . + Present Inkscape in a good light on their pages. . + Have asked for permission from the developers list.
* Developers would be removed from the scheme by the developers if . + They are not active in the project for 2 months . + Are involved in an conduct infraction which gets them removed from the project.
* People claiming to be Inkscape developers without permission will be considered to be using the Inkscape trademark inappropriately. (must check legal with Conservancy to make sure this is true)
* The Inkscape general fund continues to be the donation headline, money going towards hackfests and other resources for the project.
* The project would do periodic funding drives to improve donations and subscriptions to our patreon developers. Using social media and news announcements to improve funding.
* Contributors to patreon developers would NOT receive sponsorship rewards from Inkscape (i.e. sponsorship levels on the website).
* Patreon developers would continue to get sponsorship for hackfest expenses much like any other developer would.
== Status ==
We have two developers who are prepared to trial such a system. Tav and Mc (Marc), both attended the hackfest, both have worked on Inkscape intensively for quite a while.
I want to see if it's possible try and get a trial set up quickly. Mc will leave education in 2 months and must decide to continue developing Inkscape or move on to full time employment.
Best Regards, Martin Owens