Aaron Spike wrote:
stuart wrote:
Sorry for posting here if the user list if better. And sorry about the subject if it has been talked about before. I couldn't get sourceforge to add me to the inkscape user mail list and sourceforge was timing out on all my archive searches with no results.
This is the right place.
I remember reading that there was a patch or something to inkscape to support wishblade and robocraft users. Has that been integrated into the inkscape application? Is that what the DXF is all about?
Yes, the DXF output that we currently have was made specifically for use by wishblade and craftrobo users. This is available in the latest stables versions of Inkscape available for download.
FYI, (I think this has been posted here before) you can skip the DXF format and just print to a craft robo from inkscape using the python script here: http://vidar.gimp.org/graphtecprint/ ...and a wish blade if you modify the script per the comments on the same web page (I think).
But, what I wanted to know - has anyone successfully created an inkscape opensource utility like the above using the free windows SDK called Express Visual C++ something or other? How did it work out for you?
And if we did create it is there some where here we can host this thing?
Humm, for that matter - how is the windows binary opensource version of inkscape created? What are the ramifications of distributing the binaries?